1. vimshell : Vim has had buffers for a few versions. But it does not support shell access in any of its buffers. Enter vimshell. Its extremely convenient when debugging your code. Thing is you have to patch the vim code and recompile it. But its totally worth it.
2. matchit.vim plugin: google it. Its lets you to match on html/xml tags as well Super userful
"type :help option to get help on options below
set tags=tags;/
set nocompatible
set backspace=2
set confirm
set dictionary=/usr/share/dict/words
set formatoptions=tcq2
set incsearch
set listchars=tab:»·,trail:·
set report=1
set shortmess=fnrxotTI
set smarttab
set textwidth=78
set title
set whichwrap=
set wildmenu
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set expandtab
set paste
set ruler
set incsearch " do incremental searching
set history=50
set hlsearch
"set viminfo='20,\"50 " read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more
" than 50 lines of registers
set viminfo='10,\"100,:20,%,n~/.viminfo
au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0|if line("'\"") <= line("$")|exe("norm '\"")|else|exe "norm $"|endif|endif
filetype plugin on
syntax on
function CodePrefs()
set cindent
set cinoptions=(0,u0
set expandtab
set makeprg=gmake
set shiftwidth=4
set textwidth=0
if has("autocmd")
autocmd FileType c,cpp,html,make,perl,php,php3,php4,inc,sh,dc call CodePrefs()
autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab nosmarttab
autocmd FileType mail set textwidth=72 titleold=mutt
autocmd FileType html set shiftwidth=2
" Transparent editing of gpg encrypted files.
" By Wouter Hanegraaff
augroup encrypted
" First make sure nothing is written to ~/.viminfo while editing
" an encrypted file.
autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre *.gpg set viminfo=
" We don't want a swap file, as it writes unencrypted data to disk
autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre *.gpg set noswapfile
" Switch to binary mode to read the encrypted file
autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre *.gpg set bin
autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre *.gpg let ch_save = &ch|set ch=2
autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost *.gpg '[,']!gpg --decrypt -q -a 2>/dev/null
" Switch to normal mode for editing
autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost *.gpg set nobin
autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost *.gpg let &ch = ch_save|unlet ch_save
autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost *.gpg execute ":doautocmd BufReadPost " . expand("%:r")
" Convert all text to encrypted text before writing
autocmd BufWritePre,FileWritePre *.gpg '[,']!gpg --encrypt --default-recipient "Punit Rathore " -q -a 2>/dev/null
" Undo the encryption so we are back in the normal text, directly
" after the file has been written.
autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost *.gpg u
augroup END
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